Botox injections are used to temporarily reduce wrinkles by paralyzing the muscles, making it so the muscles can’t contract. This makes the wrinkles relax and soften.

We offer several brands of Botox; Botox Brand, Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeuveau. They target the same thing but are different types made by different manufacturers.

Botox Injections are perfect for:

Wrinkle ReductionMigraines
TMJLip Flip


  • Reduce Wrinkles
  • Reduces Signs of Aging
  • Corrects Eye Conditions i.e. lazy eye, rapid eye blinking and twitching
  • Stops Excessive Sweating
  • Relief for Migraines
  • Treats TMJ and Associated Pain


How long does Botox last?

The overall results are different for each patient, depending on the patient. But, in general, the effects of Botox can last anywhere from 3 to 5 months. First-time patients may see their results last as long as 6 months, while others may only notice results for as short as 2 months.

Does Botox have long-term effects?

The effects of Botox will begin to fade after a few months, however, if you receive long-term Botox you will experience long-term positive effects for a long time.

Is it painful?

Botox treatments are not painful, the most pain you will feel is a slight pinching as the needle is injected into the skin.

How many units of Botox will I need?

The average amount of Botox units required varies from person to person, but typically 40-60 units are required. For TMJ we start with 15 units in each masseter muscle, then re-assess after 2 weeks to see if more is needed.

How much is an average treatment?

$325-$600 per treatment. Botox $10/per unit, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeuveau $9/per unit.

Price of Botox:

Botox- $10 per unit 

Dysport/Xeomin/Jeuveau- $9 per unit 

Number of units needed varies per person and area, on average 40-60 units are used.