
PRF Injections

PRF is used to treat alone or in combination with collagen induction therapy to treat hair loss, dark circles, acne scarring, keloid scars, wrinkles, and fine lines, tear troughs and deep folds, tissue rejuvenation, brown spots, volume loss, and symmetry adjustments.

PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) is 100% natural without any additives like PRP. PRF is a minimally invasive treatment for facial rejuvenation, hair loss, and collagen replacement. PRF contains growth and healing factors, stem cells, and white blood cells.

PRF is a product of your own blood. We draw your blood, spin it in a centrifuge, and separate the platelets and fibrin. The platelets are full of growth factors and other cell-stimulating proteins, the fibrin holds the platelets in the area injected while they slowly release those growth factors.

The growth factors released by PRF attract stem cells (which grow into brand-new cartilage and connective tissue) and fibroblasts (which produce more collagen for cushioning and elastin for flexibility). There is also an anti-inflammatory effect that works quickly, and a slower increase in blood supply to the area.

PRF Injections are perfect for:

Under EyesSmile Lines
Acne ScarsWrinkles


  • Reduce Wrinkles
  • Collagen replacement
  • Growth and healing factors
  • Helps with volume loss and symmetry adjustments


How long does PRF last?

It depends on the area it is injected into.

Is it painful?

Yes it can be. We offer pain management to help.

How many injections of PRF will I need?

It varies person to person.

How much is an average treatment?

See pricing below.

PRF Hair Restoration

PRF is a minimally invasive treatment for hair loss. PRF contains growth and healing factors, stem cells, and white blood cells. PRF also contains fibrin, which acts like a glue to hold the growth factors in place in the areas of the scalp that need help the most, therefor allowing a slower, longer release of growth factors. PRF wakes up the hair follicles for growth. Treatment includes Nitrous for pain management. 

PRF Joint Injections

PRF injected into any arthritic joint can restore joint and tendon function, heel damaged tissue and reduce pain. PRF joint/bone injection can NOT be done in joints that have been replaced.

Price of PRF Injections:

PRF Injection 1 area- $400

PRF Injection 2 areas- $600

PRF EzGel (Like filler)- $650

PRF Hair Restoration- $450 per treatment 

PRF Microneedling- $300

PRF Joint Injections- $400 per joint

PRF treatment recommendations is 3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart.

PRF Portfolio